晴鉐设计成立于2012年,目前位于台北市,临近华山1914文化创意产业园区,以资深的产品设计实力与经验起步,服务台湾、大陆、香港、澳门、美国等多方客群,近年发展至平面设计、包装设计、品牌设计、展务设计,整合视觉设计、网页设计、UI/UX介面设计、产品开发、机构制程及后方行销延伸,希望带给客户更细腻的设计服务。设计团队成员含括视觉平面设计师、产品外观设计师、机构设计师。晴鉐设计特别的设计流程以及专业能力帮助客户改良 设计、寻找问题点以及解决方法,委托新产品设计案亦融合行销的设计方法替 客户设计出有别于市场的差异化商品,达到产品销售利润最大化。
Cinis Design is founded in Taipei since 2012, near by Huashan 1914 Creative Park. Based on professional industrial design experience and capability, our clients are from Taiwan, the United State, China, Hongkong, Macau, and many other countries. Recently, we expand our design service to graphic design, packaging design, branding(VI), web design, UI/UX design(user interface/ user experience), product development, mechanism design, marketing. Our designers are from all kinds of design professional area. Cinis Design has unique design process and professional capability to help clients improve and upgrade their product or service, we also help them seek and solve problems, integrate marketing thinking to create a new product vision totally different from current market, then achieve the goal of creating the maximum benefits.
晴鉐设计成立于2012年,目前位于台北市,临近华山1914文化创意产业园区,以资深的产品设计实力与经验起步,服务台湾、大陆、香港、澳门、美国等多方客群,近年发展至平面设计、包装设计、品牌设计、展务设计,整合视觉设计、网页设计、UI/UX介面设计、产品开发、机构制程及后方行销延伸,希望带给客户更细腻的设计服务。设计团队成员含括视觉平面设计师、产品外观设计师、机构设计师。晴鉐设计特别的设计流程以及专业能力帮助客户改良 设计、寻找问题点以及解决方法,委托新产品设计案亦融合行销的设计方法替 客户设计出有别于市场的差异化商品,达到产品销售利润最大化。
Cinis Design is founded in Taipei since 2012, near by Huashan 1914 Creative Park. Based on professional industrial design experience and capability, our clients are from Taiwan, the United State, China, Hongkong, Macau, and many other countries. Recently, we expand our design service to graphic design, packaging design, branding(VI), web design, UI/UX design(user interface/ user experience), product development, mechanism design, marketing. Our designers are from all kinds of design professional area. Cinis Design has unique design process and professional capability to help clients improve and upgrade their product or service, we also help them seek and solve problems, integrate marketing thinking to create a new product vision totally different from current market, then achieve the goal of creating the maximum benefits.